Brick Roller Forum, Route 88 W. and Allaire Ave., Bricktown, New Jersey
(Formally Brick Ice/Roller Forum)

• Owner/Operator: AOW Corporation (America on Wheels)
• General Manager: Richard Jones[1]
• Pro/Coach: Malone and Dorothy Freeman, George V. Yeck[5]
• Organist: [?]
• DJ: Marty Smith[5]
• Floor size: 85' x 230'[5]
• Floor type: Concrete Slab with Rink-Cote Orange Seamless Spray-On Finish[5]
• Primary reason for closing: AOW Corporation Retired from Business and all property liquidated. Rink sold to Branch Brook Pools[5]
• Opened (as AOW): 1980[1] - 1987[2]

• Branch Brook Co. (Swimming Pools) (Until 2013)
• Tilton Fitness Brick (2015 - Current)

Before roller skating, it began as an ice rink.

Branch Brook Co. (Swimming Pools) Until 2013.

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