Ludendi Roller Drome, 2143 Greenwood Rd, Shreveport, Louisiana

• Operator: C. H. Treadwell[1], B. R. Treadwell (son)[2] (1949)
• Manager: [?]
• Pro/Coach: Wilton Tatem (1953)[1], Roger Dowdall[4] (1965)
• Organist: [?]
• Floor size: [?]
• Floor type: "plank wooden flooring"[6]
• Primary reason for closing: Building of Highway Interstate 20[6]
• Opened: Oct 31, 1947[7] - 1966[8]

"Long gone now -- reduced to rubble when the great, elevated Interstate 20 cut a wide concrete swath through our hometown of Shreveport, Louisiana in the 1960s -- Ludendi's Rollerdrome even then was a throwback to a bygone era. Its huge expanse of well worn plank wooden flooring certainly had hosted over the years tens of thousands of kids and adults at figure-skating competitions, roller hockey games, birthday parties and "free skating" by the time my generation got around to discovering it."
-Jack Marshall Collection Blog, Wednesday, August 19, 2009[6]

Image at top of page courtesy Skating News May 1953.

The End.

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