Rocky Springs Park Roller Rink, 1404 Millport Rd., Lancaster, Pennsylvania

• Owner: H. B. Griffith (1925), Rocky Springs Amusements, Inc., James C. Figari (Pres.)[1], Mary Corthouts & Ben R. Brookmyer[2] (1978), Dr. James L. Corthouts[2] (1981)
• Manager: Charles D. Phillipi (1925), Thirston & Mildred Cathey[1], John Keesey[3], Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Bleacher[4] (1978)
• Pro/Coach: Buck Minnich, Nevin Gilbert[5] (1964)
• Organist: Bob Powell[13] (1950's)
"He was "the originator" of the shuffle style of organ skating music.
Bill Clark copied Bobby Powell's style of playing.
When I heard Bob play live at one of our organ jamborees, I heard Bill Clark's style."

-Marty Dumic.
• Floor size: 8,000 sq. ft.[6]
• Floor type: White maple wood.[7]
• Primary reason for closing: Owners filed for bankruptcy in 1981.[8]
• Opened for skating (1st rink): July 4, 1907[9] - Last ad found was from 1935.
• Opened for skating (2nd rink): 1948[15]
(The ballroom that was built in 1924 was converted into a roller rink 1948.)[14]
• Closed: 1981 (Alleged safety violations)[10] & park bankruptcy.[8]
Park for sale/lease in 1982[11] & by 1984, up for auction.[12]

Became a Pretzel Bakery for six months before the fire on April 2, 1987[14]

The Rocky Springs Park opened in the 1890's, however this memory page begins with the opening of the 1st roller rink in 1907.

Last ad found for the 1st rink was 1935.

It is reported that the ballroom that was built in 1924
and was converted into a roller rink in 1948.[14]

1955 map courtesy Friends of Rocky Springs Amusement Park FB.

Bad times are coming.

Good news, at least for now...

1955 map courtesy Friends of Rocky Springs Amusement Park FB.

Aerial map showing where the rink was and the bowling alley still is.
Courtesy Google.

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